Friday, March 28, 2008

From: Mel & Blossom

Me gusta Bill Santiago!!

That is the extent of my Spanish skills BUT I have to say- I love you Bill Santiago because you were the one to put a label on the affliction I couldn't explain!! Thanks to you I now understand that I am "Latino curious" and proud!! Before I saw you on comedy central-- every time I spoke to a Latino, as a white girl from the suburbs, there was a spark of interest and excitement when I heard Spanish I could not understand... until you so eloquently explained it as being "Latino curious".
As aspiring cruise ship comics ourselves-- My perita & I really enjoyed your show & wish you much success and joy!! (are U impressed I know a small female dog is a peritA not a perro or perito??:)
!!Viva Bill Santiago!! (I may be white but I do know I just wished you long life... right?? ('Cause some very nice Puerto Ricans from my neighborhood said that's what 'Viva' means while I was walking by a sign that said 'Viva Jesus!' & asked them for an explanation- they didn't lie to me did they?)
Wishing you all the best-:)

Mel & Blossom

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